Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Zombies

Full P1000958 P1000960 copy I was lucky enough to catch The Zombies a couple weeks ago, as they started their North American tour here in Tampa! I have long loved this band and never in a million years did I think I would see them live. They were amazing! Ron Argent was alive all the way on keyboards and singer Colin Blumstone's vocals were so tight and smoothe,I legit thought it was 1962. Yes, they are celebrating 50 YEARS as a band. They played all the jams and I am not ashamed to admit I was the only one standing and dancing to them all. Best night EVAH! Here is what I would wear to this show if it were not stock in my shop Vintage ReBelle Mod Lace Mini Dress il_fullxfull.365590213_izsj il_fullxfull.334872131 Mod Gold Lame Handbag il_fullxfull.319879246 60s Gold Lame Heels